May 7th, 2019 - Tue

Ended up gnashing my teeth on the whole new car thing, in a much shorter time than is usual for me. Usually the size of the purchase = greater angsting before I do it for me. Im never thrilled to be taking on debpt for something like a car purchase but its necessary around with here anemic to no mass transit in these parts.

I am pleased though to be getting a plug-in hybrid. I had a certain amount of mental anxiety on the carbon footprint of my commute to work as is. Now that should be reduced and as I mentioned before the university where I work has free charging so hopefully ill be saving quite a bit compared to my old commute in terms of gas.


Going to register Clover at charter school for homeschooling support. As one proof of residence Iā€™m taking the letter the school district sent us about excessive absences.



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Iā€™m going to go on record, right here, right now, to say that pretzels and cheddar cheese may be the pinnacle of snack technology.


what kind of pretzels? how do you cheese, slices? or like a block that you slice? iā€™m hoping the answer is you alternate taking large bites directly out of the cheese block and shoving pretzels in your mouth

Stick pretzels, and I slice ~4 thin slices of cheese off the cheese block. I then fold the slices on themselves, to break them into smaller pieces. Then I enjoy one pretzel stick + one small piece of cheddar cheese in every bite.

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this morning i walked outside with nary in my pocketses but the gate key and my outgoing mail and walked to the mailbox. it is such a good idea to get outside. tmrw iā€™ll do it with coffee! i had a friend whoā€™d walk around the corner from her apt to sightglass and back with her red heath mug in hand. rituals are a thing.

i just had coffee with honey! i really love it. i keep wanting to make coffee so iā€™m making decaf after my first cup. it gets just as much honey tho! i think decaf inevitably has a little bit of caffeine so i still think of it as counting as medicine.

omg smolz just tried to jump from the shelf to the table and completely ate it hahaha. heā€™s okay of course. didnā€™t even have to do that soothe grooming thing.

today feels really good. iā€™m glad about that. i havenā€™t had this feeling in a long time. medication is amazing!

i just canā€™t believe how much gunk comes out of my head. iā€™m so congested, still, that thereā€™s weird squeaks inside my head all the time and i still canā€™t taste very well. stopppp beeiinngggg siiiick juuuuudyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


that is adorable!

haha thatā€™s awesome! congratulations!!! does plugging it in feel like playing with a toy? i only do anything if it feels like playing with a toy. i had to put ā€œbrush teethā€ into habitica so i can buy pieces of armoire gear. haha.

Will be able to report on that soon. Not likely to take it to a charger for a couple of days.

In the vein of a toy, Im kinda hoping itā€™s kinda like an Evangelion umbilical cable in miniature.




ugh i tried to draw wheels, not boobs. =(

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guess what everybody iā€™m early to my dr appt! THIS IS FANTASTIC! iā€™m not missing it! i missed one on fri bc i straight-up forgot and this is the reschedule. my friend had to call me at 10:55 to remind me to leave. it worked! the support network worked!


The best laid plansā€¦

In other news, lunch at IKEA.



Arriving an hour late, but with a coffee gift card for teacherā€¦ possibly a lesson. :grimacing:

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For the other I brought our most recent rent increase notice.

For the future, our family defined our residence by how much they leeched from us while being told our kid didnā€™t show up to get in line often enough. Make note.

Our PG&E bill arrived today, and last month we used -288 Kwh. :sunny:


solar panels?

Yes! We have ~7.5Mw of panels. No battery system, just a hook up that letā€™s us push our extra electricity back to PG&E.

Definitely want to get a battery in a couple years if possible.


I had a really good night. Weā€™re doing a thing where we (Tara and I) parents give the other a ā€˜night offā€™ sometimes, where they can not be parents and do whatever. Last night was my night.

I put together an ikea shelf for my office area, and set up my newer raspberry Pi with the A2 type microSD, and holy moly is it faster than the other one! Itā€™s going to be my personal desktop, and Iā€™m enjoying it so far.

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Non-parents make note: being a parent sucks!