@annietuna brought this to my attention.
“Chronotype” is an interesting way to describe oneself. I suppose we get that in “hour active” settings, which themselves serve multi-timezone companies, rather than individual folks. But since the “outside” is where a zombie army roams the land, leaving plague and destruction in its wake, maybe more companies will recognize the benefits of letting folks work when suits them at home (presumably between the hours of sobs and dinner).
I just feel at war with myself… I like daylight and morning hours, but my body would like to sleep 2am-10am sometimes. Sometimes 1am-9am is okay. But work starts at 9am anyway. Well, I block off time on my calendar saying not to schedule before standup at 9:30 but they sometimes do anyway. It’s generally not acceptable to ignore people’s preferences in scheduling too late, but it is for scheduling early or over lunch.
That sounds like an unspoken understanding based on everyone being early risers, and accommodating that chronotype.
So all you have to do is call a general meeting, explain chronotypes, and everyone will accept it and your time preferences.
Me too! But I prefer a morning hour, the fresh air, the birdsong, just before crashing midmorning, to wake with about an hour of sunlight left before the calm of the evening rolls over…
It’s more about who matters. Like the higher ranking, more business focused, more managerial, ambitious, often older people. And when lauded male engineers want to show up at noon, then that can be worked around. The unspoken understanding is that the people who don’t matter will simply work around the schedules of those who do matter.