Okay, dl
is empty! Well, kinda. I have a new directory, files-to-be-sorted
. I kinda need that so I can break the loop. Fortunately it is much smaller than the initial 13GB: 2.6GB!
I deleted a whole lot, but also I needed to put invoices, receipts and paperwork in place. And of the remaining files the vast majority of them are RPG PDFs, which get up there in storage space!
Quick aside: I love reading RPG books! More so than playing. But unlike seemingly every other person on the planet that likes RPGs, I do not care about artwork. Art is fine and all, but I would never take it into consideration for purchase or playing. My imagination wins, every time. 
That should be the bulk of the unsorted files, so the rest can just be stashed somewhere until I need them. Let’s see what that looks like:
Because that weird blotty color thing is so very easy to figure out!
Okay, so what to do with pics
. Well, first I ought to rename it to media
on the next system, as I increasingly include audio and video there. I use Shotwell to import and search media, but maybe there is something new out there?
I use year and month directories to sort photos, and it works fine. However, I certainly don’t need to tote these things around with me on my laptop. I’d prefer to one day actually process media in a timely fashion, and then boot it to cold storage and published artifacts instead…
My current plan is to keep an archive of my personal media on the media server attached to the tv. Not because I want to view it there, but rather because it has a very large drive, with another very large drive attached to it. I’m thinking I can easily stash my tiny photos (compared to movies and tv show files) on both of those drives, as well as syncing to a Nextcloud drive.
In fact, I might do that in reverse, where I sync them up to Nextcloud, and the media server will (slowly, while idling) sync up and copy to the attached drive.
That way I am always keeping important media in three places: published, Nextcloud, and media server (I consider the attached drive a kinda janky RAID).
When I load media
up on the new laptop I am probably not going to bring anything over. I can process the rest in time. Time to start fresh!