When is babby formed?

It’s true, we the documentation of our live will be very different than that of past generations.

When I write I try to keep one person in mind, it’s an old writing trick. That is why I love writing to specific questions, I find it flows easily. It is like e-mail.

Now, my default person in mind is my child. It has the neat affect that I now want to provide more context, and if I am aware of it, I want to point out my biases. In fact, I have been writing a lot more, because I suddenly want to leave my legacy to them, and I want them to be informed and constantly discover who I am, in addition to being their parent.

It is one of the few urges associated with becoming a parent that I am not resisting. Worst case scenario, I just write a lot, and I get all the benefits of that. :slight_smile:

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